I am part of your world
A documentary created from the impressions of transgender witnesses who reflect and denounce the humiliations they have suffered at a private and public level in everyday situations due to their sexual condition. I am part of your world denounces situations of violence and claims, above all, the right of everyone to be part of this world.
With the collaboration of: Alondra Correa, Bibian Diaz, Carla Cejas, Laura Vilar, Linette Phillips, Sara Ortega, Viviane Gil.
Idea and executive production:
Àmbit Prevenció. Associació per a la salut i la qualitat de vida.
Interviews and recording:
Susanna Barranco
Tkuro Takeuchi, Samuel Morgan, Franklin Cedeño.
César Mira
Juan Morales
Still photo:
Marc Bartomeus
Photo and cover design:
Xavi Instant
Maite Martín
With the support of Institut Català de les Dones.